At Polycrown we are continuing to develop our infrastructure in order to improve our customer experience.

Office personnel
Along with the addition of highly skilled print management personnel, we have employed a new office administrator.
Please join us in welcoming Sabine Ward to the Polycrown team. Sabine started with us on February 11th and we wish her a warm welcome from everybody at Polycrown.
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In order to enhance the reputation of Polycrown to our customers and increase the supply chain capabilities, we have doubled the factory and office space by acquiring the factory next door. This has enabled us to expand our machinery as well as the number of employees.
The factory expansion project continues...
More machinery to keep your jobs moving
A new wide format digital press has been purchased which allows a lot more flexibility on multiple services and substrates.

This means we are able to double our capacity and deliver the finished products to you in a quicker time frame, whilst providing you with more print solutions.
Two new screen presses, plus dryers will be installed during the first quarter of this year, which drives our production capabilities to meet the demands of our customers.