Branding improves recognition
Our logo is the face of our company. It is what everyone will recognise and needs to be professional, simple enough to be memorable, and powerful enough to give the desired impression.
Generating new business through branding:
Establishing your company as a leader in your particular industry through a strong brand, inspires trust with both your employees and your customers. The most profitable companies both small and large have this in common. The strong brand can help your business get word of mouth referrals and increase business with your existing clients.
Polycrowns Production and Tracking System
By building a bespoke production system to fit Polycrowns needs has allowed everyone in the company to not only have everything transparent within the Polycrown team, but to also have the ability to answer questions from our customers quickly and effectively.
No more production meetings are required.
Before we had the system, we held a production meeting daily to make sure everyone knew what was required from them. Having the new tracking system has allowed every department to visually see all the jobs going through the company and easily identify what is required from them on a daily basis - even when urgent changes have to be made. The new tracking system has been developed over the past three years. As it is a web-based system, I am able to see everything outside of working hours or if I am out of the factory on business.

Phil Richardson - MD
For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please e-mail us on
Phil Richardson
Managing Director
Polycrown Ltd
07796 282027